About Us

Our Organisation

We are a group of people who promote and support respect for human rights regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity and expresseion,  sex characteristics, colour, ethnicity, religion, age, disability or any other trait. We fight for acceptance, self-acceptance, equality, equity, and simultaneously harmonizing on an equal basis the Cypriot society with issues concerning the LGBTQI community.

Our Actions focus:

  • On defending, fighting for, and promoting the human rights of LGBTQI persons and the elimination of prejudices, stereotypes, stigma, and social exclusion.

  • To raise awareness, inform, and train the society itself, the public, families, various actors, and professionals, on sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics.

  • We stand against LGBTQI-phobia, heteronormativity, sexism, toxic masculinity, and all forms of exclusion and discrimination.

Our Mission

  • Inform and contribute to the education of the Cypriot society on sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics.

  • The promotion of research and studies on issues related to the mission of the organization.

  • Participation in conferences and other events related to the development and promotion of ideas and measures in the field of human rights and in particular with regard to sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics.

  • Defending  LGBTQI human rights through various means, including legal measures.

  • Education and training at multiple levels of various professional disciplines including higher education institutions and education.

  • To organize speeches, seminars and other events that serve to inform the society and other bodies for issues that concern / interest the organization.

  • Promote the implementation of EU, Council of Europe policies, legislation, programs and case law and international conventions on combating discrimination and promoting the principle of equality, in particular as regards sexual orientation,gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics.
  • The prevention of the development of LGBTQI-phobic tendencies, the preservation of the pluralistic environment and its integration into the wider society.

  • Awareness raising in the society with an emphasis on youth, in terms of sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics.

  • The support and empowerment of LGBTQI people with various means such as art, education, various seminars and events.

  • Claiming fundamental rights to combat prejudice and discrimination and strengthening the principle of equality.

  • Collaborate with domestic and international organizations, universities and other groups involved in combating discrimination and promoting the principle of equality, especially regarding  sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics.

  • Promoting the recognition of the rights of equal marriage, adoption, health insurance, access to health, inheritance rights, legal gender recognition, rainbow family rights for every LGBTQI person.

  • Steps to achieve full equality for LGBTQI persons, defend their human rights, and protect them from hate crimes and hate speech.

Our Vision

Our vision is a society that ensures that no person is discriminated based upon their sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics. We envision a safe, diverse, inclusive and intersectional environment that will result in freedom and equality for all with respect to human rights.