
LGBTI Cyprus

We Fight For

Our vision is a society that ensures that no person is discriminated based upon their sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics. We envision a safe, diverse, inclusive and intersectional environment that will result in freedom and equality for all with respect to human rights.


Through our actions, our primary goal is to support and strengthen the LGBTQI community and at the same time to provide information on LGBTQI issues, thus creating a bridge of communication between the community, the general public, and the state.

Report an Incident

If you have been a victim or have witnessed an incident of violence or discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and sex characteristics, report it, so we can support you and erraticate such phenomena.


Learn more on how you can support our efforts

μνημόνιο συνεργασίας αστυνομίας - λοατκι

Έναρξη επιμορφώσεων των αστυνομικών 1ης γραμμής για τον τρόπο διαχείρισης των ΛΟΑΤΚΙ παραπονούμενων

Η Accept ΛΟΑΤΙ Κύπρου και η Αστυνομία Κύπρου βρίσκονται στην ευχάριστη θέση να ανακοινώσουν την έναρξη επιμορφώσεων των αστυνομικών 1ης γραμμής για τα αδικήματα μίσους

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