The Perform to Reform project (previously known as Alexander project) is a collaboration between five organisations dealing with human rights, LGBT+ issues, youth and the arts.
HEI4Diversity – Building Capacities to Prevent and Respond to any Form of Violence against the LGBTQI+ community in Higher Education Institutions in Europe
“Combating HOMophoBic And Transphobic bullying in schools – HOMBAT” is a new European project, aiming to create a solid and sustainable framework for the prevention and combatting of Homophobic & Transphobic (HT) bullying in schools, in Greece, Cyprus and Lithuania.
Discrimination still happens in Politics. The political representation and participation of the LGBTQI+ community is essential for the promotion of LGBTQI+ rights and policies but also for the establishment of global equality. In this context, the European initiative VoiceIt aims at increasing the participation and the direct involvement of LGBTQI+ individuals in the political decision making.